Servas BeLux

Youth Initiatives

Servas Youth Language Experience (SYLE)

Servas offers a good way to learn a new language. Originally the program was meant for youngsters (ages 18-30), but meanwhile people of all ages can enroll in a Servas Language Experience, spending some time with Servas hosts, immersed in the local language and culture. It’s a flexible and adaptable program, designed by you together with the coordinator and the host country’s coordinator to suit your desires and goals.

For more information visit  Servas International’s page on this topic.

Youth Camps

The youth camps are usually organized as eco-camps where the youth meet to work on some environmental issue.  Last year we had two very successful camps in Italy and Brazil.  This year we are hoping to have at least 4 camps in different parts of the world.



An international Whatsapp group for Servas Youth (member in the age group 18-30), already with more than 100 members worldwide.

Family initiatives : possibilities for families to meet each other during a longer stay.

For more information about these activities, consult the calendar of activities on Servas International’s page or their Facebook.
Or, contact us.

Read some testimonies