Servas BeLux



Laura and Robin, Servas members from Ohey, started a long bicycle tour through Europe.
They spent Xmas 2023 in a Polish-English family.


Luc and Kristel received this spring and summer several nice Servas families, among others from the USA, and young Servas members from Villers-la-Ville. Always a joyful time together with Servas friends

Different traveling

July 2023 : “Sentierinsieme”/”Pathways Together”,  Piedmont, Italy (picture)


Get together of Servas members Region Brussels. June 2023

Servas Peace meeting Spain IMG-20230916-WA0013 (002)

Different traveling

The Peace Week, 2023, organized by Servas Spain, had the purpose to reflect on peace on all levels (inner peace, peace within organizations, world peace).


Chris De Coninck, Servas member from Antwerp, walked in southern Spain the Santiago de Compostela route (2022).


Sengendo and Moses,  members of Servas Uganda,  were so glad to host Nitin and Dipti from Maryland. They were their first hosts since their guests joined Servas just months ago. The couple was on a tour across Uganda.

Peace School

Two Belgian Servas members participated in the Servas Peace School in Turkey, in 2023, after the region was hit by a earthquake.

Different traveling

Alexandre attended in May 2024 the Youth Servas camp in Nuremberg, organized by Servas Germany. He has send us his testimony.


Daisy and Anne Marie traveled to India for the 2022 Sicoga Meeting, and visited some hosts in India before the Meeting started.


Two young Servas members volunteered to (re)present Servas BeLux at the yearly Reismarkt in Bruges.

Different traveling

During a three days Servas Italy Bike Event, participants profoundly experienced what Servas is all about: meeting new people, learning about other cultures & habits, getting opportunities to be near to nature, creating friendships, …