Servas BeLux

Traveling Experiences

As a Servas Traveler

You are a guest in the house of a Servas Host for a maximum of 2 nights
You organize your visit in such a way that you have time to share with them
You respect the daily life rhythm of your host, your host’s availability and their schedule,
You are open-minded and have a genuine interest in other people (learning both ways)
You can feel safe, since all Servas hosts are known by their local coordinator

You do not

stay in a hotel; you might not have all the same commodities and comfort/luxury nor the service they offer
contribute in monetary ways, but a helping hand sometimes is always welcome
have to stay all the time with your hosts

You are welcome as Traveler Member of Servas:

You can be any age, can travel any way …
You don’t need to be a peace activist or a green hero to join Servas, but we hope you can subscribe to our values.

Be aware things can be completely different from what you expected.
But maybe that might even be the nice thing about Servas

For practical, more concrete information, click here

“Meeting Servas people in Costa Rica allowed us to have very interesting discussions, to learn a lot about the country’s culture, to avoid tourist traps, to get sound and useful advice on what to see and do in the country, to experience the typical and authentic life, to learn a lot about the Central American culture and to exchange on the differences between it and ours. Moreover, arriving in a country we don’t know, totally different from ours, is scary, and feeling helped and supported throughout our trip is really reassuring.” (Naoki, 19 yrs)

Servas member Roos had a few hours off in Marseille between two train trips. She was lucky that Christine, Servas member from Marseille was able to take off to have a nice lunch together in a local Syrian restaurant. Roos enjoyed the spontaneous and warm contact with Christine. What a wonderful idea, Roos, to contact some Servas member to make your stopover heartwarming!



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