Servas BeLux

Youth Camp Germany, 2024

Alexandre is from France and Luxembourg but currently based in Brussels, and Servas BeLux member. He recently, in May 2024,  attended the Youth Servas camp in Nuremberg, organized by Servas Germany. He has send us his testimony

The Youth Servas camp I attended in Nurember was taking place from Friday 17 until Monday 20 May and was very intense! I stayed with wonderful young Servas members mainly from Germany but also Italy, Denmark, Canada, USA or Taiwan !

On Friday night, we were welcomed by Servas co-president Manuela and her German crew. We had a good chat via zoom with Amir Levy from Servas Israel, who shared with us his ideas for young Servas members. I would like to meet him as his message of peace was very interesting !

On Saturday, I attended a number of workshops aiming to introduce myself, my experience and views about Servas. This was a good start to get to know each other and a good opportunity to create a positive and dynamic group cohesion. During the week-end, we also had the chance to visit the Nazi party rally grounds which reminded us how promoting peace is still on the top agenda today.

In addition, on Sunday, we brainstormed on the future of Servas including how to attract more young people and to reflect on how to promote a better sustainable tourism through traveling with Servas. On the afternoon, we started with a long-walk in the forest of Nuremberg which was also a good time to take some time to relax after this intensive past days and we have finished with a big party!

I really enjoyed this week-end as I think it is always nice to meet people that share the same values that yours and to have the opportunity to extend servas young members network.I have also deepened my knowledge on servas history and core values but also the current possibilities that servas can offer such as the SICOGA conference, the SYLE programme and the servas peace villages in Argentina, Ouganda andTurkey. I will for sure take part on one of those activities in the coming years ! And of course, I will participate again to another youth servas camp !